Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Augst 14th ... two days away

Market types like myself are prone to make predictions. We don't start off wanting to make predictions as we realize the danger, indeed the folly, inherent in doing so. After all, we could be wrong.

Nevertheless, the challenge is there, it's always there- daring you, sucking you in until you just blurt out something that, as soon as it's said, you immediately hope won't come back and bite you.

Ever since Aug 14, 1982 I've made the same prediction... that on or about that date, August 14, (give or take a day) the market will break big one way or the other. This year is no exception, I expect the market will break downside on or about August 14. There's the prediction. I wish it were a forecast, it would give me some wiggle room like a weatherman. A prediction must come true.

On the 15th or 16th I'll explain how I arrived at that conclusion.

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